Investigators of Smart-Grid and Renewable Energy for Electric Networks (IS-GREEN) is a team of researchers located at California State University Bakersfield (CSUB). The main areas of focus include renewable-energy systems, micro-grid applications, smart-grid, electric drives, and control systems. We are pleased to welcome you to this website. The present website includes highlights of our recent research and past achievements. We look forward to collaboration opportunities with academic institutions, industrial entities, and government agencies. We dedicate our efforts to develop creative solutions to some of the most important scientific challenges which are facing our society. We can transfer our technology in the form of prototypes, technical reports, data, new graduates, seminars and short courses. I invite you to explore our current work to obtain more information about establishing a working relationship with us.

Dr. Saeed Jafarzadeh

Founding Director

Latest news from the IS-GREEN team

  • February of 2016 Sheriff received a first place national award in the disciplines of Biomedical, Nano, & Electrical Engineering. He received this award for his research poster at the Emeging Researchers National Conference in STEM 2016.
  • July of 2015 IS-GREEN will host two outreach programs during summer. Each program will support high school and college students under REVS-UP and MSEIP-2 programs at CSUB. These outreach programs will be on smart-grid technologies (tutored by Alex Ramirez) and brain-computer interface for power industry applications (tutored by Sheriff Sadiqbatcha).
  • June of 2015 Dr. Jafarzadeh has applied for a NSF grant to support IS-GREEN research activities in the area of power systems with special focus on renewable energies. This grant is valued at $221,000 and will fund three students and a supervising faculty for 2 years.
  • June of 2015 Paper titled “Low-Cost Self-Governing Energy Management System for Micro-Grids” has been submitted to IEEE North American Power Symposium.
  • June of 2015 Paper titled “Temperature Regulating Independent Smart Blinds” has been submitted to IEEE North American Power Symposium.
  • June of 2015 Paper titled “An Affordable Brain-Computer Interface for Electrical Energy Applications” has been submitted to IEEE North American Power Symposium.
  • May of 2015 Dr. Jafarzadeh’s proposal has been awarded a $440,000 grant from the Department of Defense to support research on the impact of renewable energy systems on electric networks. IS-GREEN would like to thank DoD for their support.
  • May of 2015 Dr. Jafarzadeh has applied for a USDA grant to support IS-GREEN research activities in the area of smart-grid technologies. This grant is valued at $100,000 and will fund two students and a supervising faculty for 2 years.
  • March of 2015 Paper titled "TSK Modeling and Stability Analysis of Energy Markets" has been accepted for publication at IEEE Transactions on Power Systems.
  • January of 2015 Dr. Jafarzadeh has applied for a NSF grant to support IS-GREEN research activities. This grant is valued at $325,565 and will provide CSUB with cutting-edge instrumentation that support a broad range of research in power engineering.


Dr. Saeed Jafarzadeh
Founding Director

Computer & Electrical Engineering
Ph.D. from University of Nevada, Reno

Office: Science III, room 339
Phone: (661) 654-6005
Fax: (661) 654-6960
Curriculum Vitae

Dr. Alberto C. Cruz
Faculty Member

Computer Science

Alex Ramirez
Student Researcher

Computer & Electrical Engineering

Juan Franco
Student Researcher

Computer & Electrical Engineering

Sheriff Sadiqbatcha
Student Researcher

Computer & Electrical Engineering

Jane Berk
Student Researcher

Computer & Electrical Engineering

Sarah Mosqueda
Student Researcher

Computer & Electrical Engineering

Kody Bryan
Student Researcher

Computer Science

Positions available!

IS-GREEN is actively seeking for students interested in research in broad field of electrical engineering with specific focus on electric power engineering. Interested students may email with an attached resume.


  • A. Ramirez, M. Cook, S. Jafarzadeh, “Low-Cost Self-Governing Energy Management System for Micro-Grids,” North American Power Symposium, 2015.
  • J. D. Franco, S. Jafarzadeh, “Temperature Regulating Independent Smart Blinds Desing, Hardware Implementation and Simulation,” North American Power Symposium, 2015.
  • S. Sadiqbatcha, S. Jafarzadeh, “An Affordable Brain-Computer Interface for Electrical Energy Applications,” North American Power Symposium, 2015.
  • E. DeLeon, S. Jafarzadeh, K. Galloway, Y. Ampatzidis, “Independent HVAC Vent Control System,” Southern Cal. Conf. for Undergraduate Research, 2014.
  • M. Cook, S. Jafarzadeh, Y. Ampatzidis, “Home Energy Saving: A Monitoring Approach,” Southern Cal. Conf. for Undergraduate Research, 2014.
  • C. Lascu, S. Jafarzadeh, M. S. Fadali, F. Blaabjerg, “Direct Torque Control with Feedback Linearization for Induction Motor Drives,” IEEE Energy Conversion Congress & Exposition, 2015.
  • H. Livani, S. Jafarzadeh, S. Fadali, “DC Power Flow using Fuzzy Linear Equations,” IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting 2015.
  • S. Jafarzadeh, S. Fadali, “Fuzzified Viterbi Algorithm for Hour-Ahead Wind Power Prediction,” American Control Conf., 2014.
  • H. Livani, S. Jafarzadeh, S. Fadali, C. Y. Evrenosoglu, “Power System State Forecasting using Fuzzy-Viterbi Algorithm,” IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting 2014.
  • S. Jafarzadeh, M. S. Fadali, Hanif Livani, “TSK Modeling and Stability Analysis of Energy Markets,” IEEE Trans. on Power Systems, (in print. Available on IEEEXplore).
  • H. Livani, S. Jafarzadeh, C. Y. Evrenosoglu, and S. Fadali, “A Unified Approach for Power System Predictive Operations using Viterbi Algorithm,” IEEE Trans. on Sustainable Energy Vol. 5, Issue 3, pp. 757-766, 2014.
  • M. S. Fadali, S. Jafarzadeh “Stability Analysis of Positive Interval Type-2 TSK Systems with Application to Energy Markets,” IEEE Trans. on Fuzzy Systems, Vol. 22, Issue 4, pp. 1031-1038, 2014.

Hosted by the IS-GREEN team

IS-GREEN will host two outreach programs during summer. Each program will support high school and college students under REVS-UP and MSEIP-2 programs at CSUB. These outreach programs will be on smart-grid technologies (tutored by Alex Ramirez) and brain-computer interface for power industry applications (tutored by Sheriff Sadiqbatcha).

Summer 2015 Program Description

Home Energy Monitoring and Control System
Have you ever been interested in finding out just how much energy your TV, computer, coffee machine or any other appliance are using? In this project you will build an advanced network that does such monitoring for you. You will even translate the energy usage into dollar amount. You can also build some intelligence into the system and make it smart in your own way. For instance, you can set your dishwasher to wash the dishes only if its energy usage costs you $2. Or you can set your printer off whenever your computer is off. In order to do all these, you will learn about Embedded Systems.
Have you noticed the recent trend where manufacturers try to make every gadget and gizmo “smart”? That is possible through what we technically call Embedded Systems. Once you learn about it, you can be creative and transform everything you are dealing with on a daily basis. That’s what this program is about. But to practice what you learn, you will build your own customized home energy monitoring and control system.
There are two rules to this summer program. First, you will build everything from scratch. Second, you will have fun doing it. If you plan to join this program, prepare to learn a lot and enjoy a new dimension of your creativity.

Student resources:

General Packet Brain-Computer Interface Home Energy Management Systems

High School Student Posters From Previous Years