Investigators of Smart-Grid and Renewable Energy for Electric Networks (IS-GREEN) is a team of researchers located at California State University Bakersfield (CSUB). The main areas of focus include renewable-energy systems, micro-grid applications, smart-grid, electric drives, and control systems. We are pleased to welcome you to this website. The present website includes highlights of our recent research and past achievements. We look forward to collaboration opportunities with academic institutions, industrial entities, and government agencies. We dedicate our efforts to develop creative solutions to some of the most important scientific challenges which are facing our society. We can transfer our technology in the form of prototypes, technical reports, data, new graduates, seminars and short courses. I invite you to explore our current work to obtain more information about establishing a working relationship with us.
Dr. Saeed Jafarzadeh
Founding Director
IS-GREEN will host two outreach programs during summer. Each program will support high school and college students under REVS-UP and MSEIP-2 programs at CSUB. These outreach programs will be on smart-grid technologies (tutored by Alex Ramirez) and brain-computer interface for power industry applications (tutored by Sheriff Sadiqbatcha).
Student resources:
General Packet Brain-Computer Interface Home Energy Management Systems